Friday, October 24, 2008

GNO and Family Birthday party

For our Girls Night this month we went to brand spankin new Olive Garden in American Fork. It was about a 45 minute wait for 12 of us but the food was so worth it. We went over to Paradise Bakery to wait out the time and just chatted. Or as I should say I listen to all the girls chat. I wonder if they think I don't talk! I talk a little bit but not as much as I should. I will work on that I promise! We had a great is just fun to go out for a night.

The next night I went up to my Mom's house for the Sept/Oct/Nov birthday party. We had some great Taco Soup that my Mom made and her fabulous sugar cookies. I also got the present for my Birthday that I have been waiting a month for...a Food dehydrator! I am not sure that I will be able to make all the awesome looking food shown in this picture but I sure will try!


Jen said...

Whenever I get with a group of friends I am always quiet too. I just enjoy hearing everyone else talk and I guess I just forget I should participate in the conversation too. :) I am just a quiet person. But sometimes I'm not. Like when I'm with Curtis...I can be really loud and talkative. Especially when we go out to eat. I talk and talk and talk. Then I notice his food is gone and I have hardly taken a bite. hehe. Now if I could just be more talkative around others.

Amber said...

What a fun present. You'll have to let me know how it all goes and how you like it, etc... It's a bummer you didn't get it just a "little" sooner since the harvest of most things is pretty much over. Well, apples are still on pretty good. I remember my grandma would make apple rings in her dehydrator and they were so yummy to snack on. You could eat them forever, but don't, too much fruit... nuf said. :)

Lindsay and Mike said...

Yes, you DO need to talk more! I love to hear your stories. And, if you don't start talking, we may REALLY being to think that you DON'T have a voice...then we'll start signing to you. :) I like your food dehydrator. That's awesome! Make some banana chips...those things are AWESOME!!!

Lish said...

Hey Melanie! It was fun to go to GNO, sorry I do talk to much :) Check my blog I tagged you!
