Sunday, June 15, 2008

Tomorrow it is back to work for me. I have been off these past 2 weeks, which has been nice but a little bit boring. Our TV went out a few weeks ago, we had a warranty on it from when we bought it so someone was sent out to repair it. The problem was they didn't know the problem so they had to take out the "guts" of the TV to their shop to fix it. We are now going on 3 weeks..for me that is a long time. No Wii playing time! When it first happened Jared told the guys at work (joking of course) "How am I suppose to talk to my wife for two weeks with no TV around? Our house is going to be boring!" It isn't like we don't have any TV because we have one in our room but it is just not as convenient I guess. SO this week they are suppose to be coming to put it all back together. I will admit our house has been nice and quiet, but...I hope it works!

1 comment:

samlyndseyfalkner said...

So, how was work? I hope you survived. Where are you working? BTW....Sam would die if our TV went out. :) LOL It's funny how much we watch and depend on them huh?
