Jared sent me this email today..and since I have nothing all that great to blog about here you go:
You might be from Utah if.....
* You keep your clothes in 'Chester Drawers'
*You don't pronounce T's in the middle of words. (Moun'n, Lay'n)
* You think a 'G' at the end of a word is silent. (You comin' fer dinner?)
* You know what Fry Sauce is made of.
* You go to the duck pond to feed the Seagulls.
* Green Jell-o with carrots mixed in doesn't seem strange.
*You can pronounce Tooele.
* The Y is not just a letter - Neither is the U.
* You have actually eaten funeral potatoes.
* You've gotten both heat and frost burns off your car's door handle in the same month!
* You are not surprised to hear words like 'Darn, Fetch, Flip', 'Oh, My Heck' and 'Shoot'.
*Your tulips get snowed on three times after they come up and twice more after they bloom.
*You can go skiing and play golf on the same day.
* 30% humidity is muggy and almost unbearable.
* You know the difference between a 'Steak House' and a 'Stake House'.
* You've broken down on the highway and somebody stops to help you.
* You can see the stars at night.
* You were an aunt or uncle before you were three.
* You have more children than you can find biblical names for.
* Your family considers a trip to McDonald's a night out.
* You feel guilty when you watch Monday Night Football.
* Your kids believe the deer hunt is a national holiday.
* You drink Coke from a brown paper bag.
*At least two of your salad bowls are at the homes of neighbors.
* There is a similarity between a ward basketball game and the L.A. riots.
*You negotiate prices at a garage sale.
* You can make Jell-O salad without the recipe.
* You heard about last nights BYU football in a testimony meeting.
* You have two gallons of ice cream in your freezer at all times.
* Your father-in-law thinks Ronald Reagan was a liberal.
*A member of your family wrote in Lavell Edwards for president in the last election.
*Sandals are the best-selling shoes.
* Hotel rooms all have the Book of Mormon.
*You buy your wardrobe at the local grocery superstore.
* You learn about the Mormon Church by taking history in elementary school.
* Schools stay open, even if two feet of snow falls overnight, but closes for the opening of hunting season.
*People wear shorts and T-shirts if the temperature rises above 32 degrees.
*People wear socks with their sandals.
* There is a church on every corner, but they all teach the same thing.
*The most popular public transportation system is a ski lift.
*In-state college football rivalries are bigger than the Super Bowl.
*Every driveway has a minivan and a pickup truck. .
* More movies are filmed in your town than in Hollywood.
* You've never had a Mormon missionary knock on your door, unless you are having them over for dinner that night.
* You make a toast with red punch at your wedding reception.
* You have more raw wheat stored than some Third World Countries.
*Your idea of a good time is playing Pictionary in the cultural hall.
* Your idea of a wild party is a six pack of Pepsi and a PG-13 movie.
* You measure Kool-Aid by parts per million.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Crazy shoppers
We got up at 3:00 a.m. to go shopping! Yes I know we are some of the crazy people out there that wanted a good deal. We met up with Jared's mom at 4:00 a.m. at Kohls where some guy got a little bit mad at Jared for not waiting in the long line before he walked in the door. It would have been fine if we wouldn't have seen this guy again but he ended up being at the checkout next to ours and of course they had to have a few more words. The store worker came over and told them both they would have to leave or they would call the police..at this point I was done and Polly was in the check out so it was fine, and we left. I was paranoid the rest of the morning that we would run into Jared's "friend" again but we didn't!
AND--we got some good deals at Target and other places. We even went to breakfast at Ihop at 5:30 a.m. The crazy thing is Jared had to work at 8:00. I am sure by the time he gets home tonight he is going to be so tried! I got home around noon..took my shower, wrapped my presents and layed on the couch where I fell asleep for a few hours! Another Black Friday come and gone! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Reasons to be Thankful
There are so many reasons to be thankful this time of year. I know that this won't cover all of them but here are a few:
1.I am thankful for my husband Jared- he does so much for me each and every day. I don't think I tell him enough how I appreciate all that he does for me..I love you!
2.My parents- they are always supportive of whatever I choose to do and they love me no matter what.
3.My brother Jeff is so great! I am happy that I have him in my life.
4.My sister Krista is one of my best friends.
5.My nieces and nephews- Treyton, Braelyn, Kennedy, Ethan, Crenna, Maya, Andy, Aaron & Anson. They make me happy! And I love having them around to spoil.
6. The gospel...having that in my life makes me happy. I am grateful to know that all that I mentioned above can be with me forever if we all do what we are suppose to do! I am grateful for that knowledge.
7. My home- I am grateful that Jared & I have our own home again. I don't think it really matters where it is..as long as we are there together (thanks for teaching me that Kristin).
8. My job- I love working with kids and I am grateful that I can do that. Sometimes I get a little bit stressed out but at the end of the day there is always something that one of the kids does that makes me laugh..and I am grateful for that.
9. My health..I am so grateful that I am healthy.
10. My freedom- I am grateful that I have freedom to be able to worship I as I want, that I can live where I want and live as I want.
11. My extended family- I am grateful for all of my Grandparents, Aunts & Uncles and my cousins. I have so many fun memories of growing up, I wish we could do more as a family still but I realize that it is hard with everyone getting older and starting their own traditions. But I will always cherish the memories I have. I am grateful for the influence of my Grandparents on my life..they are wonderful examples to me. And I am grateful for my Aunts & Uncles..they are so important in my life, I hope that they know how much I love all of them.
12. My in-laws..I know most people might not say this but I have great in-laws. They have done so much for Jared and I and I am grateful to be a part of their family.
13. Good books to read--I love to read so I would be very sad without a good book in my hands.
14. My friends- I have some great friends..old friends and new friends. I am grateful for them for putting up with me, for their friendship through the years and I hope we can make new memories together and continue to be friends.
15. I am grateful for holidays- it gives me a reason to change the decorations in my house!
There are many reasons to be thankful this time of year..I hope we can all take just a minute to remember how much we have in our lives!
1.I am thankful for my husband Jared- he does so much for me each and every day. I don't think I tell him enough how I appreciate all that he does for me..I love you!
2.My parents- they are always supportive of whatever I choose to do and they love me no matter what.
3.My brother Jeff is so great! I am happy that I have him in my life.
4.My sister Krista is one of my best friends.
5.My nieces and nephews- Treyton, Braelyn, Kennedy, Ethan, Crenna, Maya, Andy, Aaron & Anson. They make me happy! And I love having them around to spoil.
6. The gospel...having that in my life makes me happy. I am grateful to know that all that I mentioned above can be with me forever if we all do what we are suppose to do! I am grateful for that knowledge.
7. My home- I am grateful that Jared & I have our own home again. I don't think it really matters where it is..as long as we are there together (thanks for teaching me that Kristin).
8. My job- I love working with kids and I am grateful that I can do that. Sometimes I get a little bit stressed out but at the end of the day there is always something that one of the kids does that makes me laugh..and I am grateful for that.
9. My health..I am so grateful that I am healthy.
10. My freedom- I am grateful that I have freedom to be able to worship I as I want, that I can live where I want and live as I want.
11. My extended family- I am grateful for all of my Grandparents, Aunts & Uncles and my cousins. I have so many fun memories of growing up, I wish we could do more as a family still but I realize that it is hard with everyone getting older and starting their own traditions. But I will always cherish the memories I have. I am grateful for the influence of my Grandparents on my life..they are wonderful examples to me. And I am grateful for my Aunts & Uncles..they are so important in my life, I hope that they know how much I love all of them.
12. My in-laws..I know most people might not say this but I have great in-laws. They have done so much for Jared and I and I am grateful to be a part of their family.
13. Good books to read--I love to read so I would be very sad without a good book in my hands.
14. My friends- I have some great friends..old friends and new friends. I am grateful for them for putting up with me, for their friendship through the years and I hope we can make new memories together and continue to be friends.
15. I am grateful for holidays- it gives me a reason to change the decorations in my house!
There are many reasons to be thankful this time of year..I hope we can all take just a minute to remember how much we have in our lives!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Garth Brooks on the Big Screen

I went with Jared's mom Polly last night to a Garth Brooks concert that was at Jordan Landing. The concert was in Kansas City and then broadcast to a bunch of movie theaters. I thought this was a bit odd..but the concert was actually pretty good. The theater stayed pretty quiet (so no need for ear plugs) and there wasn't the crazy crowd when we left. I had a pretty fun time!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Bye Bye Liberty
We sold our Liberty. It was on KSL for a few weeks (maybe a month) and we finally sold it! Jared really wants a new Jeep Wrangler so we have one on order, just the way he wants it. I am not even sure if they have even started building it yet. It will be silver. My two color options were blue and silver. I chose blue, and Jared decided on silver! Hopefully it will be done by the end of the year. Until then his parents are going to let us borrow their car. What nice in-laws I have!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Dinner with Dad

My Dad and Aunt Jeanne came up to SLC this week. Jared and I went out to dinner with them on Monday night to the Asian Star. We love Chinese food and that place is so good. The food is a little bit pricey but you always have leftovers to take home and eat the next day. It was good to see my Dad - the last time I saw him was in July when my cousin Jake got married. I don't see him enough- I don't think Mesquite is that far away but we just don't get down there very often. I think that after the first of the year we will go and visit him & Deb.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Field Trip
Thursday, November 1, 2007
New Grass
Our grass is growing..not very fast but it is growing. I am so glad that is actually took off and started to grow! We were afraid that the weather was too cold or that the wind blew it away- I can't believe how windy it is out here! We came home on Monday to find 5 golf balls in our backyard (there was a golf tournament) we still have 2 out there because we don't want to walk on the grass yet.
Only about 30 kids came trick or treating. I think it is because we live on a road that is so dark, no street lights! And no one knows who we are yet since I am in the Nursery and have been since we moved in. I think next year we are going to go to a movie and leave the candy on the porch!
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