Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday!!

Not breaking tradition we got up and went shopping on Black Friday! It was insane at Walmart, we went in, couldn't find anything we wanted and walked out. I went with Polly- Jared's Mom- into American Fork and Jared went to many stores alone. Polly and I went to Target and stood in line FOREVER- so long that I got really hot, light headed and thought I was going to pass out. I sat down in the middle of the isle- and Polly left to get me a bottle of water. It was not pretty I am sure but I felt better after awhile. As we were waiting in line Jared went to Bed, Bath & Beyond, Home Depot, Kohl's & Best Buy. When we got done in the Target we met before Jared had to go to work at for breakfast at McDonalds--we only had about 15 minutes to eat! Then Polly and ventured over to Walgreen's....we wanted to go to Costco but it was only 8:15 and we didn't want to wait in the parking lot for 45 minutes so we called it a morning. I went home, wrapped the gifts and took a NAP! It was a fun morning!

1 comment:

Lindsay and Mike said...

You are a brave soul! Glad you survived!!! :)
