I had my 30 week appt today. I can't believe we are down to 10 weeks..it seems like it has come fast but taken forever at the same time. I go in every 2 weeks which makes things go quick. All the lab tests came back normal from my glucose test which I was worried about. I was weighed and am down a pound. I haven't gained much is fine by me, I just hope all is normal with the baby and she isn't underweight when she is born. I told Jared I should be able to eat whatever I want then and still not gain a whole lot. I do eat..which is why it is so weird that I keep losing weight. AT least I wasn't underweight when I became pregnant, that might cause a problem. My Doctor didn't seemed concerned about my weight gain, and I still measure right where I should.
Jared felt Maren moving around on Sunday. He was sitting next to me at church, holding my hand by my side and she kicked him multiple times, it sure made sacrament go by fast. And then last night I felt her moving around and Jared saw a big ripple in my belly. He thought it was a pretty interesting sight. She is getting stronger so I am sure her movements will be bigger for him to see, which makes me happy..and maybe a bit more real for him!