Christmas break begins today. The kids are out of school until the new year, so I have 2 weeks off of work!The kids are always so excited this time of year..I had to make a few trips to my car to put all of my presents from them in there. Don't know what I will do with my time..we are done shopping besides a few minor things I need for Jared's stocking. We have a few family parties coming up, which should be fun. Next Wednesday we are going to Mesquite to have Christmas with my Dad, his wife and my sister's family who are coming from Vegas. I am excited to see all of them, and hopefully find some warmer weather!
On another note I felt the baby really moving around for the first time last night. I was watching my stomach and it was fun to see her pushing against me. I am still amazed that she is growing inside of me. What a amazing thing! We are still trying to think of a name for her. We went through a baby name book and narrowed it down to a list, I am sure we will think of something!