My friend Lindsay had this on her blog, and I thought it looked fun. So here's what you do...
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see what memories people have of you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. I would love to hear what you guys remember about me!
I can't remember anything specific, but I do remember seeing you and talking with you when I would hang out at your house with Krista. I always thought you were cool and super nice!! Cute idea for a post:)
You called me one time and said, "You probably don't know who I name is Melanie Young & I'm a nursery teacher." I said, "Hey Melanie! I know who you are!" You said, "! I didn't think anyone in the ward knew who I was!" Hehe! But, probably my best memories of you are all the nights we have spent laughing until the wee-hours of the morning at GNO! Oh, one more, when you gave me ding dongs for speaking at your school. Do you know me or what?!?
ok, this is late, sorry. I didn't forget, just haven't posted in a bit.
1. I remember one of the first times at your house, making french fries in a fry daddy-what a great after school snack.
2. I remember 4th of July at the Clearfield pool.
3. I remember stomps, games, and dances. Scoping out the guys. Fun times!!!
4. I remember crying one time in your room, listening to music, I can't really remember what was so terrible--but I do remember you just let me cry on your shoulder, what a good friend you are.
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